
Expansion of the BD lexical and syntactic-semantic corpus Sensem of semantics sentence of Spanish

The main objective of this project is to expand the corpus of sentence semantics created in the project “SenSem”. The enlargement of these resources is essential in order to improve the description of the interface between semantics and syntax, which is our utter object of study and interest.

The new levels of linguistic analysis we are set to carry out, aspectuality, modality and polarity, especially that relating to sentence aspectuality, adds an extra value, since currently there does not exist any resource for Spanish that includes this type of information.

We foresee including new linguistic registers, more precisely, the literary register, with the objective of reflecting the use of more creative verb senses, both from lexical and constructional perspectives. We believe it will allow us to improve the degree of referenciality of both, the corpus and the lexical database.

We have also created an interface to consult the syntactico-semantic frames extracted from all the sentences in the corpus.


Ministerio de educación y Ciencia HUM2007-65267


Ana Fernández Montraveta

Glòria Vázquez García

Jaume Tió i Casacuberta



Thais Ferré Silvestre

José Lara

Juan José López Mellado


  • Vázquez, G., A. Fernández (2009). “Ampliación del Banco de Datos de Verbos del español SenSem”. Cantos, P.; A. Sánchez (ed.), A Survey on Corpus-based Research. Panorama de investigaciones basadas en corpus. Murcia:U. Murcia, p. 957-969. ISBN: 978-84-692-2198-3
  • Vázquez, G., A. Fernández (2009). “Annotation de corpus: Sur la délimitation des arguments et des adjoints”, SKY Journal of Linguistics, 2, p. 244-269. ISSN: 14568438
  • Vázquez, G., A. Fernández (2010). “Propuesta de análisis del significado oracional por niveles “, Actas del IX Congreso de Lingüística General, p. 2336-48. Valladolid. ISBN: 987-84-693-6786-5