
Completed Projects

CLARIN – Common Language Resources and Techonology Infrastructure Network

Expansion of the BD lexical and syntactic-semantic corpus Sensem of semantics sentence of Spanish

From text to knowledge: factuality and degrees of certainty in Spanish – TAGFACT

Integration of technology for the creation of multilingual virtual spaces of comunication with automatic translation

KNOW: Development of large scale multilingual technologies: syntactic parsing

KNOW2: Language understanding technologies for multilingual domain-oriented information access

MOMENT: Metaphors of severe mental disorder. Discourse analysis of affected people and mental health professionals

Multilingual Adaptation of the Sensem Bank (Catalan)

Multilingual Central Repository 2.0: GRIAL

Networdk Llera – The linguistic and literary education in plurilingual environments

Network TIMM – Multilingual and Multimodal Information Processing

ReSim: System for the semantic representation of interrogative sentences

ReTeLe: Network of Resources for Language Technologies

Scenario Knowledge Acquisition by Textual Reading (SKATeR)

Semantic Annotation of Nouns and Adjectives in SenSem

SenSem: Databank of Spanish sentences annotated syntactically and semantically

Standardization and Tranference of Lexical and Textual Resources

Subcontracted of project METANET4U: Enhancing the European Linguistic Infrastructure, GA 270893GA

TAN-IBE: Neural Machine Translation for the Romance languages of the Iberian Peninsula

Translation and annotation of glosses of Ontology WOrdNet 3.0 for the Spanish language

Trilingual Parallel Corpora GRIAL: Corpora of technical language for Catalan, Spanish and English

Volem 2: Verbal Multilingual lexicos for catalan, spanish, basque and french languages

Volem: Multilingual Verb Lexicon for Catalan, Spanish and French