
ANR D4R (Dissidences religieuses et Réception de la Réforme à la Renaissance – Espagne XVIe s.)

ANR D4R (Dissidences religieuses et Réception de la Réforme à la Renaissance – Espagne XVIe s.)

This project in Digital Humanities has a double objective: on the one hand, the treatment of a 16th century corpus on the Reformation in Spain and, on the other hand, the development of a tool to interrogate large masses of documents, from a historical perspective. This new tool is intended to become an auxiliary for researchers when it comes to exploiting heterogeneous textual corpus in history, by providing them with tools for annotating and interrogating masses of documents.
The D4R project, which brings together French and Spanish historians, linguists and computer scientists, aims to make it possible to dynamically explore a corpus of documents (inquisitorial sources on the one hand, and treatises on spirituality on the other) by means of a digital platform.


Agence National de la Recherche (ANR-21-CE38-0011)


Consorcio: EA740 IRIEC (UPVM3), UMR 5505 IRIT (UFTMP), UMR 5267 PRAXILING (UPVM3), (GRIAL (UB), UHM (UAB), DeReHis (UCLM).

