
The development of GLOCAL competence through study abroad in non-English-speaking contexts: applying the Experience Sampling Method by means of a smartphone application

This project aims to investigate the impact of a semester-long Study Abroad (SA) experience in a non-Anglophone European country. More specifically, it aims to examine a) the interactions between Spanish university students and the host community members, and b) the development of English and the local language over the semester abroad. Additionally, one of the main objectives of the present study is to design an IT infrastructure to a) obtain rich and immediate data from the students experience, b) to send students advice and tasks to do in order to maximise the effects of their SA experience, and c) provide an easy and immediate contact with the students home university researchers in case of any potential problems.


Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN – FFI2009-06939-E)


Josep M. Cots (CLA – UdL)

Àngels Llanes (CLA- UdL)

Anca Frumulescu (CLA – UdL)

Glòria Vázquez García

