
Multilingual Adaptation of the Sensem Bank (Catalan)

The SenSem Data Bank is made up of a corpus and a lexical database of verbs for Spanish. It also incorporates detailed syntactico-semantic information about the behaviour of verbs in a context. The objective of this project is to adapt SenSem as a multilingual resource. In this project we make the adaptation to Catalan, since we already have the raw corpus for this language. Moreover, since the two languages are closely related the previous annotation of Spanish sentences will be useful for the construction of the Catalan counterpart. Ultimately, the goal of the project is to test the methodology used for Catalan in the multilingual adaptation of SenSem.


Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN – FFI2009-06939-E)


  • Vázquez, G., A. Fernández, E. Beà (2013). “SenSemCat: Corpus de la lengua catalana anotado con información morfológica, sintáctica y semántica “. Emili Casanova; Cesáreo Calvo (ed.), Actes del 26è Congrés Internacional de Lingüística i Filologia Romàniques (2010)De Gruyter, VIII, p. 159-170. València. ISBN: 9-78-3-11-030003-1